A strong future for iD EAST with design that drives growth

In 2019, I joined iD EAST as a remote creative director to lead the transformation of their brand and digital presence. Despite being one of the largest mobile developers in the CIS region, their brand had grown stale.

Along with spearheading a comprehensive rebranding effort, I introduced a new design system and led a full website redesign, and brought expertise in web applications and UX, allowing the company to expand its service offerings.


• Creative direction
• Brand identity
• Website redesign
• Digital transformation
• Mascot design
• Marketing strategy
• UX consulting & audits

Timeless and trendy

When the CEO asked if I could breathe some new life into the brand, I knew a quick logo update wouldn’t cut it. iD EAST had outgrown its old look, and they needed something that matched their reputation—elegant but with an edge. So, I got to work.

The result was a logo that, while playful (a winking face made from the iD glyphs), gave the brand a fresh, confident look. It added just the right amount of fun to a brand that was ready to get serious about its image. Electric blue became the brand's signature. then, with the designers we created a set of mascots, starting in 2D and later evolving into 3D, pulling everything together. It wasn’t just about looking current but building a brand with real longevity—the foundation for everything we did next, from marketing materials to business proposals and sales collateral.

Elevating the online presence

The website overhaul wasn’t just about making things look pretty—it was about delivering a seamless, intuitive experience that could support iD EAST’s growth. I stripped back the clutter and went for a minimalist, Swiss style inspired layout, focusing on clean lines, clarity, and ease of use. But the real magic was in the details: the new site wasn’t just a digital brochure; it became a living, breathing platform.

With dedicated sections for blogs, case studies, and company news, I turned the website into a hub where clients and partners could explore what iD EAST was really capable of. Every corner of the site was designed with purpose, whether it was to showcase their success stories or provide potential clients with a smooth onboarding experience. It was a strategic asset that helped position iD EAST as a forward-thinking, design-driven company in a competitive market, and became a powerful tool that attracted new clients, particularly those interested in digital transformation.

A seamless evolution

The real magic was in how the rebrand unfolded over time becoming the driving force behind iD EAST’s continued growth. The mascots we created moved from playful static images to animated 3D characters, bringing a dynamic energy to client campaigns and events, boosting social media engagement. They became part of the company’s personality, used in everything from holiday messages to milestone celebrations.

On the marketing side, I helped them take a step further by refining the design language and aligning it with a broader strategy. This opened doors for new opportunities and partnerships that went beyond what the company had traditionally handled. We ventured into larger, more complex projects that pushed the boundaries of their previous scope, establishing iD EAST as a serious player not only in mobile development but across new, emerging sectors such as offering UX solutions, audits, and taking on digital transformation projects in various industries.

Even after I stepped down by the end of 2022, the foundation we built kept the brand adaptable and ready to evolve while staying true to its core identity.

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